Saturday, March 24, 2007

...-valentinez day-...

...-back dated post-...[Feb, 13, 2007] like...this is my tribute to the ever so popular VALENTINEZ DAY.....i say....effin screw it la....WTF??...u need one day...just ONE effin day to express your love to your so called significant other....whudda shyt load of crap...*by now im sure u can guess my thoughtz on this fateful day*....picture effin practical is it to celebrate this day when fer a fact u know :

-those effin roses u buy. the money spent on it can prolly feed a starving child n one of those third world countries fer a freakin yr or my opinion....

-hah....the dinner. prolly can feed the same child fer a lifetime....

-the chocciez. hmmm...believe u in luv with chocciez as much as the next pmsing woman...but come on....cant u buy em fer ur gf/bf like anytime of the yr???....whud so freakin special that u hafta buy em on valentinez???.....the heart shape???*whisper: the freakin make em all yr around ya idiot*...

so some of you may think that my current single status is fueling this *SCREW VALENTINEZ DAY* post, but believe you me and my closest frenz will know this, my thoughtz on valentinez day have alwayz and will remain the absolute same. That itz a crock of old shyt that needz a refreshing take on it. in all my 21 yrz, whether ive been in a relationship or otherwise, itz been the effin same. if ure bf/gf only showerz u with attention on this dayz especially, a word of advice "URE RELATIONSHIP IS SCREWED UP....GET OUT WHILE U CAN". but these are my thoughtz. therez a disclaimer at the end of this post. there always is one in provocative posts.

shyt...ive run outta thingz to cynical self has faded off...damn...i wanted her to stay fer a know....i kinda like her...

anywayz, losin my focus...seriously though, this so called day to celebrate your love is so my fellowz friendz...who have no datez....yeah well...dont beat ureself up about it....believe me...from the timez i was conned into celebrating it.....dont worry..ure not missing out on anything....and for the people who crave, need, want or have to celebrate it even without anyone to do it with....*WHERE THE EFFIN HELL HAVE U BEEN LIVIN IN??*....get over ureself n find somethin else to whine n moan end my kick ass post...i leave u with a poem.......

Hearts and roses and kisses galore,

What the hell is all that shit for?

People get mushy and start acting queer,

It is definitely the most annoying day of the year.

This day needs to get the hell over with and pass,

Before I shove something up Cupid's ass.

I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak,

And wear black for the rest of the week.

Guys act all sweet,

but soon it will fade,

For all they are doing is trying to get laid.

The arrow Cupid shot at me must not have hit,

Cause I think this love thing is a crock of shit.

So, here's my story...

what else can I say?

Love bites my ass...

Fuck Valentines Day!

This post was written by a sane blogger at the time it was written. No accountability will be undertaken by the said blogger if her advice was followed and was proven wrong. That's your problem.


blur cow said...

haha wrote that poem??!! i think it will be dem kick-butts if you put it into a song haha

...::- sacha -::... said...

hehe...i didnt write that poem...i wish i did...i got it from a fren n fell in luv with it so i kinda curi-ed it...hehe....